We are committed to sustainability. And you?

Caja sostenibilidad

Being a sustainable brand is possible and we want to prove it to you through the MYTPLAST® stamp.

Our aim as a company is to help you to strength your brand identity through elegant and personalised presentation systems in a sustainable way. We have designed three quality stamps to guarantee your collaboration with a responsible supplier and ensure that your project will be unique and comply with ethical values that we consider fundamental.

We consider very important to accompany you in your sustainable initiatives, and to advise you on the choice of materials that fit with them, in order to transmit your values and commitment as a brand throughout your environment and our products.


What do these stamps include?

Mytplast, Mytplast eco, and Mytplast eco Plus are the names given to the three quality stamps that demonstrate our commitment to the environment, and can be adjusted to the needs of any company depending on the materials with which each project is made, on the basis that each and every one of the projects will be based on our three fundamental pillars.

We try to reduce negative impacts on the environment by applying various actions that include: making rational use of resources; adopting preventive pollution measures; complying with current environmental regulations at local, national and global level; and disseminating environmental policies among our team, suppliers and collaborators.

Tabla comparativa


Mytplast, ECO, and ECO Plus

At Mytplast we like to protect both people and the planet, but making the world more sustainable is everyone’s business.

We invite you to collaborate with our policy of responsibility and commitment to the environment by choosing more ecological materials for the presentation of your products.

  • The Mytplast stamp allows you to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability, guaranteeing your collaboration with a responsible and committed supplier.


  • The Mytplast ECO stamp allows you to demonstrate your sustainability and values by choosing from a wide range of environmentally friendly materials.


  • The Mytplast ECO Plus stamp allows you to be the most sustainable and eco-friendly version as a brand, including 100% environmentally friendly materials.


Eco mytplast


What are the fundamental pillars that define us as sustainable?

First and foremost, we want to demonstrate our social commitment by promoting fair and safe working conditions, as well as environmental and ethical management within the business. And the three fundamental pillars that define us as a sustainable business are:

  • Business commitment: Acting with honesty and respecting the laws of the countries with which we collaborate, supporting local business, with 90% of our suppliers being Spanish, and supporting policies that guarantee the maximum quality of our products.


  • Commitment to Labour: Guaranteeing our commitment to our employees at an internal and family level, and collaborating with colleges to support the future employment of young people.


  • Commitment to the Environment: Incorporating materials and adopting measures that allow us to carry out more respectful projects and reduce negative impacts on the environment.
raya separación Mytplast
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Over 40 years of experience


ISO Quality Certificate


Sustainability label


Technical office


Customised solutions